Monday, January 30, 2017

Evernote Linux Client NixNote 2 Beta 5 Available For Download

Evernote Linux Client NixNote 2 Beta 5 Available For Download

NixNote is an unofficial Evernote client for Linux which was initially called NeverNote. The application was written in Java until NixNote 2, which is a complete rewrite in C++ using the Qt framework, having better performance and a reduced memory footprint as main goals. The application continues to use Java for encrypting and decrypting text, but thats optional.

Nixnote2 Linux

Evernote is a popular note-taking service that supports saving text, full webpages, voice memos, video notes and more with a lot of useful features. There are official Evernote clients available for Windows, OS X, web (but it lacks many features) and mobile platforms but not for Linux.

Nixnote 2 beta 5, released recently, brings numerous bug fixes as well as various enhancements:
  • added the ability to email notes;
  • searching will now highlight PDF results;
  • added Print Preview & the ability to only print selected text;
  • notes that are marked as shortcuts are now visible in the tray icon;
  • added the option to use notify-send instead of Qts popup notification;
  • a colors.txt file can now be added to customize note background color options;
  • various GUI enhancements.

The latest Nixnote 2 beta also brings basic support for the nixnote2-cmd utility however, I should mention that this command line tool is not bundled with the NixNote 2 binaries.

For those not familiar with NixNote 2, heres a quick list of important Evernote features supported by this app:
  • full synchronization of all notes and attachments;
  • the ability to create, edit and delete notes, tags, notebooks and saved searches;
  • the ability yo search notes and index attachments;
  • allows using the image text recognition features provided by Evernote;
  • supports multiple Evernote accounts.

Also, there are some Evernote features that arent available or work differently in NixNote 2, including:
  • slightly different search syntax (NixNote allows any term to be negated, where Evernote does not);
  • no Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn sharing;
  • audio notes are not directly supported (you cant record audio notes through NixNote but you can use a note recorded with a different app as an attachment);
  • Ink notes cant be implemented in NixNote because Evernote doesnt provide an API for it.

Note: To enable syncing with Evernote, from the NixNote 2 menu select Tools > Synchronize and authenticate NixNote 2 with Evernote.

Download NixNote 2 beta

Download NixNote 2 beta 5 (deb, rpm and ebuild packages available)

Arch Linux users can install NixNote 2 via AUR: beta | git

To download the NixNote 2 source, report bugs and so on, see its GitHub page.

For more information on using NixNote 2, see its user manual (PDF).

Available link for download

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